CFJN is supported by an Executive Team of five members who serve for two-year terms.

Paul Durenberger Former Deputy District Attorney Sacramento County, Board Member Emeritus, Sacramento Regional Family Justice Center
Paul Durenberger led the Sacramento County Domestic Violence Death Review Team for 15 years as part of the management team of the Sacramento District Attorney’s Office. Now retired, Paul served for 6 years as volunteer Vice Chair & Board Chair of the Sacramento Regional Family Justice Center and is now Board Chair Emeritus. He is a founding member of the California Family Justice Network Executive Team.

Michael R. Jump Chief Deputy District Attorney and Victim & Community Service Director, Ventura County
Mr. Jump earned a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and both a Master’s degree in Environmental Science and Juris Doctorate from Indiana University. He joined the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office as a grant writer, securing tens of millions of dollars in competitive grants for the District Attorney’s Office and helping to establish the Safe Harbor multidisciplinary interview centers, which provide trauma-informed forensic medico-legal exams to sexual assault and child abuse victims.
In 2003, Mr. Jump was sworn in as a Deputy District Attorney and served as a trial prosecutor conducting numerous preliminary hearings and misdemeanor, felony, and serious and violent felony trials. He served as Director of the office’s Fiscal, Administrative and Legislative Services from 2006 to 2015, combining his legal and administrative skills to manage the District Attorney’s $50 million budget, contractual, human resources, personnel, facilities, and legislative matters. Mr. Jump was appointed Chief Deputy District Attorney of Victim and Community Services in 2015. In this role, he led the development of the first-ever Family Justice Center in Ventura County and currently oversees the Office’s Crime Victim’s Assistance Program, the Safe Harbor multidisciplinary interview centers, and Camp HOPE, which collectively provide nearly 20,000 services to crime victims each year. Mr. Jump currently serves as a board member of the California Crime Victim’s Assistance Association, the Community Corrections Partnership–Ventura County.
He also serves on the Board of KidSTREAM a science and technology museum and activities program for children and as an Advisor to the Ventura County Family Justice Center Foundation.

Susun Kim Executive Director, Solano and Contra Costa County Family Justice Centers
Susun Kim has served as the Executive Director of the Contra Costa Family Justice Center since March of 2014. She is a family law attorney with extensive litigation experience in domestic violence matters. Previously, Susun spent 10 years as the Managing Attorney of Bay Area Legal Aid’s Contra Costa/Marin/Napa Regional Office. Susun is a 1991 graduate of New York University School of Law.

Marsha Lucien Executive Director, Family Justice Center of Sonoma County
Marsha earned her Master’s in Business Administration. Marsha has experience in both non-profit and the public sector working with our most vulnerable populations. She is a certified Trauma-Informed Care trainer and a S.T.C Certified Instructor through the Board of State and Community Corrections. Prior to working in non-profits, Marsha was a probation officer for over a decade in both Alameda and Solano Counties. During time in non-profits Marsha led multiple programs that focus on underserved populations. She was Commended by the Sacramento County Board of Directors as well as the Sacramento County Drug Court for the successful development of the AB109 program pilot. Today, she brings her breadth of experience to the Family Justice Center Sonoma County as its Executive Director.

Lisa Mantarro Moore Executive Director, Stanislaus County Family Justice Center
For over thirty years, Lisa Mantarro-Moore has had the privilege of working for Members of Congress and State Legislators, serving and managing their district operations. She has served as the District Director for Assemblymember Adam Gray (CA-21), the Deputy Chief of Staff for Rep. Dennis Cardoza (CA-18), and the District Director for Rep. Gary Condit (CA-18). Using her extensive relationships throughout the Central Valley, Lisa is accustomed to working with a variety of communities to provide positive resolution.
In addition to working on the political spectrum Lisa has focused on the development and growth of several non profits including the Family Justice Center of Stanislaus where services are provided to those who are victims of family violence, trauma, abuse and human trafficking. As the Executive Director of the Family Justice Center of Stanislaus, she works to ensure that those who have suffered trauma have access to resources. She has served her community in a number of various roles which include parent, advocate, community leader, project manager and political professional. In 2018, she was named as a Stanislaus County Outstanding Woman of the Year.